Injection page.


This page was last updated on 24th undefined 2018

It has come to my attention this this guy on Ebay is selling cd's and files with copyright information from this site (and several others on the net) without my permission.

This does discourage me somewhat from publishing any more details on my projects. Feel free to email him on and to tell him what you think of people stealing others information and passing it off as their own.


This page will have details of me installing and setting up a DTA EXP48 engine management system onto my Quantum.

While I'm actually fitting it to my ZVH (Zetec/CVH Hybrid) engine the procedure will be exactly the same on an ordinary CVH engined car.

Stuff on this page.

The parts of the system (Just below)
EFI shopping list
ECU map and data log history
DIY DTA cable and potbox

New online Forum.


DTA pin recovery utility written by Written By Shawsky (a.k.a Phazer)


The parts of the system.


I hope they don't mind I took it apart, I blurred out all the chip part numbers to stop competitors getting any tips.
It costs £550+vat for the ECU and £6+ for the connector (I'm making my own loom).
The software to program the ECU from a PC is free to download from DTA's web site.
A serial cable is £45+vat, , luckily I came across another DTA owner on the net who very kindly gave me the Pinout of the cable so I made my own.
I've also got the wiring details of a Potbox which is used when setting up the ECU on a rolling road, this normally costs £200+

I also bought some Bosch 803 Dark Green Injectors & a 3.0 Bar Sierra Cossy map sensor, these came from
The injectors were £64.50 each and the map sensor was £67.50.

Yes, i have taken it apart. £662.70 inc vat£1000 of bits. DTA ecu + lead, yes it is made from a old keyboard lead.Aux fusebox for ECU + old map sensor.
This is the connection diagram for the DTA ECU DTA Connection details
Manifolds and fuel rails.
Initially I was going to modify the Escort RST manifold to take electronic injectors instead of the old mechanical KE injectors but it would involve some rather tricky machining to open out the holes for bigger injectors.
It would also need a fuel rail making which would be even more fun as the holes for the injectors on the RST manifold are at an angle to the manifold.
I'd also need to fit a idle speed control valve somewhere.
Anyway, after a bit of thinking and some messages on the RS and XR owners club message boards I decided to replace the Escort RST manifold with the EFI one from the injection Fiesta which already has the electronic injectors, fuel rail, idle speed valve etc.
It seemed that the Mk3 Fiesta XR2i, Fiesta RS Turbo and the Late MK4/CVH engined MK5 Escorts all share the same EFI manifold.
So, another visit to Bridges later I've got a inlet manifold and head from a J reg Mk5 Escort 1600i for £49 inc
MK5 Escort 1600i manifold front view.MK5 Escort 1600i manifold left view. MK5 Escort 1600i manifold rear view.MK5 Escort 1600i manifold right view. Maninfold after stripping, flowing and painting.Lower half of manifold with new 803 injectors fitted.
EFI Head

Now, you may be wondering why I've got the EFI cylinder head as well as the RST one, well, when I removed the EFI manifold at the breakers I noticed a large cutout at top of the inlet port to clear the jet of petrol from the injectors.
It might be possible to build up some weld on the flange of the RST head and cut away the area required but there didn't seem much point since the EFI head was there.
The EFI head has turned out to be fairly knackered (cam and followers especially) but as the head is being sent away for a rebuild it doesn't matter much.
MK5 Escort 1600 EFI headThe large cutout at the top of the inlet port.
These are new Water and Air temperature sensors for the new ECU.
I couldn't be bothered going to my nearest Lucas so I ordered them from DTA, they charged me £25.85 each, a bit more than I expected.
I later found out they can be bought about £5 from Webcon, however DTA have advised me that the reliability of the cheaper sensors may not be as good.
Air (left) & Water (right) Sensors


This is actually the coil from the Zetec engine but it's the same as the EFI one and what I need for the DTA ECU.
It's 2 double ended coils in one package, this means you don't need a distributor or any camshaft position sensors.
Cylinders 1& 4 or 2 & 3 are fired in pairs, the spark ignites the cylinder that's on the combustion cycle and does nothing on the one that's on it's exhaust cycle.

EFI ignition coil and bracket.
Lambda Sensor

The Lambda sensor is a Bosch Part no 0 258 104 002 which is the one that DTA recommend.
I bought one from Webcon for £90, their part number is WLS115

Bosch 0 258 104 002
Fuel pump & filter

These are the same as the old Escort RST ones but you don't need the pressure accumulator from the old system anymore.

EFI shopping list.
Part Cost (inc vat) Source Web
DTA ECU £646.25 DTA
DTA ECU connector. £7.05 DTA
4 off Bosch 803 Dark Green injectors  £257.98 R.S Cosworth specialists  
Sierra Cosworth 3.0 Bar map sensor £67.50 R.S Cosworth specialists
Water temp sensor (Lucas SNB801) £25.85 DTA (or Lucas)
Air temp sensor (Lucas SNB802) £25.85 DTA (or Lucas)
Escort 1600 EFI Cylinder head and manifolds. £57.50 S/H From  Bridges scrapyard.
Lambda sensor Part no. WLS115 £90.00 Webcon


ECU map history. 


Details Map name
Data log
(if available)
Original from Ilpo Map from another ZVH owner, 1.8 ZVH, Yellow Cossy injectors.
27-06-01 Set map sensor to 3.0 bar, max boost to 0.7 bar
01-07-01 Reduced Fuel map by 25% from above to allow for my bigger injectors, tweaked idle settings, it's still not right ATM. Lambda doesn't seem to be reading either.
10-08-01 Now driving well, map unchanged, idle not perfect but ok, Lambda fixed, done 200 miles.

A basic Excel 97 or later spreadsheet for viewing data logs is here.

Details of the DTA serial programming lead and rolling road Potbox.
Serial lead for programming the DTA EXP48 ECU from a laptop.
Potbox is for use on a rolling road for quicker entering of multiple results.


Serial programming Cable
DTA end.

PC End.


15 Pin HD male. 9 Pin D female.

Pin No. Pin No. Function
1 (CD) 1 (CD) Carrier Detect ?
2 (RD) 2 (RD) Receive Data
3 (TX) 3 (TX) Transmit Data
4 (DTR) 4 (DTR) Data Terminal Ready
5 (GND) 5 (GND) System Ground


Pot box with Serial pass through connector

DTA end Pass through. Pot box
15 Pin HD male

15 Pin HD female

Pin No. Pin No.

Small box with 2 off 4.7K linear pots &  3 off normally closed pushbutton switches fitted in it.

1 (CD) 1 (CD)
2 (RD) 2 (RD)
3 (TX) 3 (TX)
4 (DTR) 4 (DTR)
5 (GND) 5 (GND)
6 n/c "Advance" pot centre terminal.
7 n/c "Fuel" pot centre terminal.
8 n/c Switch and pot ACW terminal common. ( Note *1)
9 n/c "Stop" switch.
10 n/c "Enter" switch.
11 n/c "Knobs" switch.
12 n/c Pot CW terminal common.  (Note *2)
13 n/c
14 n/c
15 n/c
Note *1 One side of all of the switches and the anti clockwise terminals of the 2 pots is connected to pin 8
Note *2 Clockwise terminal of the 2 pots is connected to pin 12
The normal warnings apply, use this information at your own risk, it is not supported by DTA in any way.
Many thanks to the original provider of these details who of course wishes to remain anonymous and my friend Chris Bass from Accumax for doing the Schematics for me.


Any questions, answers or errors spotted please Email: Jim Hearne


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